Wishbone Restaurant

Wishbone Restaurant

North Wishbone Restaurant in Chicago

Wishbone North - Southern Restaurant Wishbone in Chicago

PICNIC at HOME or OFFICE Our Wishbone NORTH delivery zone stretches from Kedzie to the Lake and from Bryn Mawr to North Ave. There is a $3.99 standard charge for orders over  $15.

10% "DOLLY" DISCOUNT AFTER... Wishbone Chicago Southern Restaurant For a copy of our delivery menus, click the link below or choose the ORDER NOW reconstruction Cooking?

Traditions we've kept at the Wishbone Restaurant include choosing your own fresh sides with a main dish and a casual hospitality that favors friendliness.

Come taste the South at Wishbone North or with our Catering whereever you may be.

. . . We aren't just preaching peas and hominy to Yankees:  Food and art go together.

